The River Church

Denver, Colorado


The River Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19


At The River Church, we believe in reaching the world with the good news of who Jesus is and what He’s done for all of us. We believe that the fulfillment of this message includes meeting not only spiritual needs, but physical and emotional needs, too. As God cares about the whole person, we as the church care about the whole person.

Part of being a healthy church is seeing what God is doing among you and following His lead. At The River Church, we’ve seen God equip and send out many people with a life-changing compassion to different parts of the world.

Discipleship Trips to the Philippines Every Year (April)!


If you have always dreamed of seeing God work miracles through your hands, the discipleship trips to the Philippines each year are perfect for you.  Each year Pastor Jack takes a team to the Philippines to train and equip people to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.  We never know exactly what God is going to do on these trips, but whether it is in the slums of Manila, the jails or in the children's home we know God is going to move in power.  We've seen deaf ears and blind eyes opened, the lame walk, witchdoctors give their lives to the Lord as they experience the presence of God for the first time, and so much more.  Each trip we've seen 500 to 650 people give thier lives to Christ and we've baptized almost 150 people. 


Jack and Tammy lived in the Philippines for twelve years and it is their second home.  The trips are exceedingly safe and we see God do amazing things in the hearts of every person involved.  The cost of the trip is usually right around $2000 for a two week trip, all inclusive (the majority of the cost, $1300, is from the plane tickets).  We try to keep the cost as low as possible to lower the barrier of entry for anyone interested in learning to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit like Jesus.  If you come on this trip, your life will never be the same.

Contact us for more info on the annual discipleship trip.

Our Missions

Uganda: Dwelling Places

Provides a godly, family-oriented setting for rescued street children, providing housing and the basic necessities of life. This ministry now extends to abandoned babies and needy families of Kampala.



Partnering with churches and individuals, LifeChange Sicily offers various types of practical, humanitarian help for refugees fleeing Africa and the Middle East. For refuges arriving with little more than the clothes on their back, LifeChange steps in to provide shoes, clothing, and a caring ear as they wait to go through the asylum-seeking legal process.


Uganda: Michael's Kids

Michael's Kids has provided the resources to make it possible for hundreds of children to attend school, transforming an entire neighborhood in the process.


Philippines: Arise Ministries


Rescues homeless children from the streets. In 2009, Arise Ministries began with one small boy dying from starvation, disease, and loneliness. He is now healthy and thriving in a loving home, attending school, full of goals and dreams. At any given time, there are 35-40+ kids just like him under the care of Arise.


Hungary: Hitched Together Ministries

Hitched Together strengthens marriages and families through various of stages of life. Traveling across Europe and beyond, Hitched Together equips churches, missionaries, marriages, and single people to live out stronger relationships.


Middle East

We believe God loves all people. As God loves Muslims, we believe He wants us to demonstrate that love in practical ways. As such, we have several ministries in the Middle East to reach and bless an oppressed Muslim community with the love of God.

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