You were created to be a hell crushing prince or princess in the Kingdom of God, meant to reap souls and not to just sow seeds. You were meant to walk this out in a close, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe. The Bible lays this out and as such it is true for you and every other person on the earth.
Grounded in Scripture, God calls His children to walk out mission. You can be sure of one thing; your mission in life is bigger than anything you could do on your own. If your mission was something you could do on your own, you wouldn’t need God. He is calling you to something big. Really big. We would love to help you live it out.
Do you have a desire to go deeper with God, experience Him more and to hear His voice?
At The River Church God is calling us to teach people to worship in a deeper way. We believe that God wants to use us to teach the world to worship in a deeper, more experiential way.
Do you think that God should be leading His Church on a moment by moment basis?
At the River Church we seek to allow the Holy Spirit to lead His church and to disciple people in this. We believe that God will use us to help churches around the world to understand and employ this model of church.
Do you believe that God wants to usher in a time of mass salvation and societal transformation throughout the world?
We believe God wants to do just that. We also believe that Columbine High School is going to have a central role. God is going to take a place known for tragedy and make it known for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit.
Have you ever been mentored or discipled in the basics of the Christian faith? Has anyone every shown you how to worship or to hear the voice of God?
The River Church has been called to make disciples, really make disciples, through hands on mentoring relationships. The River mentors people in cultivating an experiential relationship with God, hearing God's voice, understanding the Bible in context and applying the Word through preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God.